Title & Release Date Revealed for the Newest Bridge Chronicles Novel – Paycheck Euphoria

For those who follow me on Twitter or Instagram, you were treated to a big announcement this week. The title and release date for the sixth (6th) novel in the Bridge Chronicles series has confirmed.

That’s right, the title is Paycheck Euphoria, and the cover image is in the video on that tweet. For those who don’t tweet or might not be able to see it, here’s the image:

Paycheck Euphoria Cover

The release date is set at September 6, 2021 (fingers crossed). I set this date specifically because it is Labor Day, and as you might guess from some of the hashtags on the image (#workersunite), there’s a good deal of subtext in the book around the exploitation of workers by an irresponsible capitalistic system. I’ll be sharing more of the details in the coming days, so stay tuned here or on my Twitter feed.

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