First Draft of the Newest Bridge Chronicles Novel is Finished

It took two years and one day, but I’ve finally completed the first draft of the next entry in the Bridge Chronicles cyberpunk series. This novel weighs in at a little under 80,000 words, and it takes Bridge to a place I never would have expected when I began writing this series over 10 years ago. Stay tuned to this web site and my Twitter feed for more details which will be coming soon, including the title and, when it’s designed, the cover art. I hope to have it ready for release by the end of the summer.

In the meantime, I spent yesterday recording some video for the latest episodes of my video podcast, The Author Has Thoughts. This set of videos will be discussing the last novel in the Bridge Chronicles series, Reclamation. To tide you over, check out my videos on Tales From the Bridge Chronicles, Vol. 1. If you haven’t read either of those books, head on over to the Buy My Books page to get a link to the proper eBook or physical format you prefer.

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