Chronosoft, Inc. is the public name for a multinational conglomerate of corporations, most of who specialize in the electronics industries. Made up of thousands of businesses both big and small, Chronosoft, Inc. has its global headquarters in the city of Los Angeles, California. The parent company of all Chronosoft entities is known as the Chronosoft Holdings Corporation. One of its subsidiaries, the Chronosoft Local Governance Administration, is in charge of the civil administration of the Los Angeles county area under the Local Governance License issued in 2027.


The company which would become Chronosoft Holdings Corporation was founded in 1948 by Jordan Pennington as Pennington Calculation & Electronics, a company specializing in early computer development for military and aeronautics research. Much of PCE’s early contracts were with the United States military, thanks to Pennington’s extensive connections from his time with the NIA and the early days of the CIA. Their equipment has served an instrumental part in the development of the Air Force’s evolving technological superiority, from the first jet plane designs to the foundation of the space program. Known in many government circles as “the most important company you never heard of,” PCE grew to be one of the largest government contractors in the military-industrial complex of the ‘50’s.

By the late 1970’s, PCE founder Pennington had begun to shift much of PCE’s focus to the nascent personal computing arena. He provided much of the funding for a number of early PC projects. Most failed in the face of competition from Apple and IBM, and in 1979, the board of PCE voted Pennington out of his post as Chief Executive Officer. He maintained a non-voting seat on the board, but never seemed to recover from what he publicly deemed a “Benedict Arnold-sized betrayal.” The new CEO, Artis Willingham, was a young, energetic turk with an eye towards finance. In a bitter twist of irony, Willingham personally steered the company towards software development despite the board’s objections. Many felt he was following “Old Man” Pennington’s failed vision. However, his gamble paid off much better than expected as the personal computing boom of the ‘80’s created a huge demand for PCE’s products.

PCE spent the 1980’s in intensive acquisition mode, gobbling up smaller software and hardware companies while never attempting to compete directly with what Willingham had correctly seen as unassailable juggernauts of the computer world, Microsoft and Apple. Through intelligent acquisitions, PCE was uniquely poised to take advantage of the technology boom of the ‘90’s. Much of the underlying technology behind the Internet was developed and licensed by PCE subsidiaries. By the year 2000, PCE had grown to be one of the largest publicly-traded corporations in the country, but with a surprising lack of public awareness. A new millennium brought with it a new direction, highlighted by a complete revitalization of the corporate brand, symbolized by the reinvention of the company as Chronosoft, Inc.

The economic downturn of the early 21st century did little to slow Chronosoft’s growth, as it spread its reach globally. They became one of the prime movers in the Internet’s metamorphosis into the GlobalNet, a much more robust platform for the set of global applications Chronosoft had been developing. Under the direction of CEO Kato Flauvio, appointed as successor to Willingham in 2007, Chronosoft displayed more prescient business decisions by investing in the early development of cyberware. Their commercial releases of such ‘ware as the interface jack and the first crèche models were instant successes, garnering them massive sales and public fanfare.

Flauvio stepped down from his position in 2025, and was replaced with another in a long line of visionary young CEO’s, the 32-year old Sanborn Davis. A former staffer on President Benton’s successful 2024 run, Davis used his Washington connections to broker a deal in the negotiations that led to the compromise legislation credited with ending the unrest of 2027, the Local Governance License Act. Davis’s role as the public face of the company has been downplayed since the LGL’s were established. His stated intention for a reduced role was to let the Chronosoft LGL’s stand on their own without overt interference from corporate hierarchies, a move many believe has helped the LGL’s favorability among citizens.

With yearly revenues in the hundreds of billions of dollars, five LGL’s in 3 states, and offices and subsidiaries in 156 countries around the world, Chronosoft, Inc. is one of the largest corporations on the planet. Its 2028 prospectus labels the company one of the surest growth leaders in the world. The corporate slogan “Let Us Take You Where You Need to Go!” is indicative of the corporation’s aggressive attitude towards continued growth.