Hiss Whistle Dead



A New Novel in the Bridge Chronicles series starring Shel, an Excavator last seen in Tales from the Bridge Chronicles, Vol. 1. eBook and Paperback releases Dec. 7th, 2024

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The latest novel in the Bridge Chronicles cyberpunk series, Paycheck Euphoria, has been released! Available now in eBook and Paperback on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Smashwords, the sixth(6th) novel in the series is a mixture of thrilling heist and scathing criticism of the corporate city-states of the 2030's!

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A series of videos that provide a running commentary on my works as well as my thoughts on all sorts of subjects including politics, entertainment, and whatever else pops into my pointy little head.

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Cyberpunk Novels and Short Stories by Independent Author Gary Ballard

The Bridge Chronicles, starring the witty amoral fixer Artemis Bridge, is a series of cyberpunk books self-published by independent Mississippi science fiction author Gary A. Ballard. Beginning as a blog in 2008, Under the Amoral Bridge was published in 2009 as a full novel. Followed up by the sequel, The Know Circuit, if [tribe] =, The Long and the Short Swords, and Reclamation, each book in the series has been well-reviewed by readers and critics alike. The sixth novel, Paycheck Euphoria, was released in September of 2021.

On New Year's Eve, 2011, Ballard released a collection of short stories set in the universe called Tales from the Bridge Chronicles, Volume 1. On September 25, 2024, a side novel starring the protagonist of the short story The Excavator, Shel, will be released. Called Hiss Whistle Dead, this 15-part novel is set to be released on the Kindle Vella format before being compiled into one eBook and paperback.


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The Author Has Thoughts

Ever wondered how an author comes up with his ideas? Ever wanted to know where I get my characters, or the stories behind the stories that I write? Watch my new video series, The Author Has Thoughts, a running commentary on each of the novels I've written.